Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Disclaimer:  I don’t answer questions with a “traditional” mindset.  I think so far out of the box that one may wonder if there was ever a box in the first place.  You will also note that some of the questions are for YOU to answer—like an interactive “game” of sorts—because I like to stimulate the imagination.  Life’s so boring otherwise 🙂

Why do you tell so many stories?

Two reasons:  1.  People can relate better to stories when complex solutions are involved, and 2.  If we’re talking about my core business, I’m not permitted to use ANY professional terminology or industry references online for fear of violating compliance regulations.

What do you do?

In simple terms, I help people in many different ways.  In my primary career, I help people avoid the kinds of surprises that nobody talks about at parties—things that threaten lifestyles and jeopardize futures.  As a father of 3 awesome kids, I enjoy helping young people learn what it takes to get noticed and succeed in a highly-connected world.  As a business owner, I enjoy helping other business owners and managers adapt to agile strategies and digital transformation.

Do you have customer service?

Of course! Real people (including myself) are available to answer your questions, brainstorm solutions, engage with connections—you name it—24/7/365.

What’s more important: Price or value?

It’s a tough question that will define the relationship you have with whatever brand, company, product or service you choose to spend your hard-earned money on.