Being born in ’65 officially classifies me as a “Gen X’er”, but I’m not a big fan of labels. If the last few years have taught the world anything, it’s that our PRIMARY role as humans is to love one another, regardless of what history has (or has not) taught us. That’s how my parents raised me, anyway. As an only child on a farm in central Iowa, I also learned the meaning of “work ethic”. My life outside of farming coincided with the collapse of the farm economy in 1983. Dad told me to get a job because there was no future in agriculture the way we did it (sharecropping), so I got my first job working in a hotel restaurant in Ames, Iowa, at a place called Gateway Center. I learned a lot about food and beverage, customer service, marketing, and management because of incredible mentors I still think about often in my current role.
My wife and I have three adult children, all of which I am very proud to be their father. My dad only got to meet our oldest, as he passed in February 2000, three months before our son was born. Our youngest daughter was born in 2002. My mom was able to spend a lot of time with them in her last 6 months, as we moved her to our city in May of 2019. She passed in October of that year at age 91, thankfully before COVID shut down the world. She wouldn’t have done well with that.
I have several passions that have roots in my life experiences: I love nature and try to connect with and appreciate it whenever the opportunity arises, namely on a bicycle. I’ve done RAGBRAI 12 times, and though I’m getting older, would LOVE to do it again. A tangent to RAGBRAI is a passion for food and beverage. Craft beer, breakfast burritos, and pie are the staples of the ride, and the love of them has carried over into the remainder of my year.
In a sense, my formative years on the farm, my work in that first “real” job, RAGBRAI, parenthood with three active children, and my current profession are what have defined the person I am today: Hard-working, fun-loving, humble, and disciplined while also maintaining high standards, a “unique” sense of humor, and passion for learning something new about someone or some THING every day, the most recent discovery being bourbon. Speaking of which…


How (and who) I Serve is formatted to make the best use of your time—connecting you to the information or resources you seek within three clicks. While most content is original and some is curated and shared, it’s ALL been inspired by people much smarter than me. Look around. Ask questions. If you have ideas, feel free to share.

Businesses, Brands, Managers and Owners

Top-down leadership not as effective as it used to be?  Struggling with achieving your organization’s goals?  Need to implement agile strategies, but have no clue where to start?  You’re not alone.  Take a moment and  click on Neighborhood Insights for some fresh ideas.  Check for embedded links, too, as they are proof sources. 

Want to discuss in more detail?  Want my help?  Let me know.   

Supervisors, Team Members, Prospective Employees and Students

Resumes and cover letters not working like they used to?  Is it getting more difficult to find or be a great fit for an organization?  Opportunities are plentiful for people who choose to make a new trail rather than follow the beaten path.  Ready to chart your personal brand DNA and identify your “magnets”?  HUMAN Resource(s) is the department for you.  

Need to bounce ideas around or have a conversation?  I’m right here.

Providing Protection and Security

My core business is helping protect people from what can go wrong so more things can go right.  While traditional marketing’s goal is to get people to “Contact Me Now”  as soon as possible, I’m not traditional.  In fact, my Customer Experience mission is to STOP The Interruptions.  

If you would like me to serve you, please enter “Gary, Iowa City” in your search bar and connect with me.  (Direct hyperlinks in this situation are prohibited.) I apologize for the inconvenience.  

Obsession with the future

Interacting with people on the cutting edge of this rapidly-changing world is a personal addiction.  No matter who you are or what you do, change is impacting us all.  The resources highlighted in the library tab above have played an integral part in my personal and professional brand development.  Feel free to scan the authors and titles for whoever or whatever resonates with you.  I’d be happy to introduce anyone in my networks as long as you promise not to SPAM them.

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